After we first came to rural New Brunswick in the mid 1990’s, we began to notice a distinct group of people. This group had been part of an exodus from the urban centres in the 70’s and 80’s. They had left behind their upbringings, and were without agricultural or construction skills. They began homesteading and… Continue reading Share Land!
Go east, young woman
A letter from a possible New Brunswick future. Dear New Brunswickers, I’m excited for next week. It’ll be Wednesday March 6, 2030 and I’ll be heading to the Land Services office of New Brunswick in Fredericton. My family is hoping that parcels of land will still be available outside of Fredericton. I am certain there… Continue reading Go east, young woman
The Given Land
Sharing here an article by German journalist, Uta-Caecilia Nabert, about our journey of sharing land in rural Canada. Uta visited us a few years ago and created this article for a German readership. Not long after it was translated and shared in English. Here it is: Link to English Article I am sharing this primarily… Continue reading The Given Land
You are needed.
Are you longing for community? You can create a community, a real one, with people of all ages who become kind neighbours to you. And this is much easier to do in the forgotten back roads of our rural landscapes. If you are willing to step outside the comforts and conveniences of our overbuilt, over-populated… Continue reading You are needed.
The Gift of Land
Dear folks, Thank you for being here. For many, the idea of creating a rural neighbourhood may not be your focus. But likely there will be a few for whom it may. Perhaps the growing interest in a ‘Gift’ economy may be a plausible means to assist community founders in acquiring land to share. Sharing… Continue reading The Gift of Land
I have to get back to installing doors in a new house in the neighbourhood, but before I do, I wanted to make a post to say that I will continue here sharing the inspiring event that is unfolding around me here in the rural hinterland. We hosted a pizza party last night for neighbours… Continue reading FREE LAND
The Flourishing Dirt Road
I am here to share news of a coming together, of the creation of a vibrant community, so that you will take part in creating communities of your own. First, I am simply one part of many moving parts that came together to create our community. Some would say I played a pivotal role, as… Continue reading The Flourishing Dirt Road