
I have to get back to installing doors in a new house in the neighbourhood, but before I do, I wanted to make a post to say that I will continue here sharing the inspiring event that is unfolding around me here in the rural hinterland. We hosted a pizza party last night for neighbours (wood-fired pizza!). I was surrounded by the rainbow of humanity in all the guests who have made this their new home: Tanzania, Italy, Haiti, Romania, Hungary, Morocco, Canada, USA, to name a few of the ethnic connections the newcomers had at this event.  I finally feel this dirt road has the rich tapestry of people our urban centres have…we feel so blessed.

Free land. This is an oversimplification of why these people are here, but it played an important role in making land accessible. Not asking for money in return for a place to live (2.5 acres) is a cornerstone to our community growth. It helps to have a school for kids here too! 

The lots of the Land Share are all spoken for now, but maybe some of you bright people can help direct the gift-economy model towards liberating land from the speculative market, and give it away to your bothers and sisters for their homes? The forgotten rural corners of our various countries are ready to welcome the return of you and your crazy dreams. Come on!!

A link to one of the articles about our project is included here.

Wishing you all the best,