The South Knowlesville Community Land Trust is in Western New Brunswick, Canada.
We are working to develop a small, dense, rural neighborhood where urban and rural sensibilities can be brought together to create a wellspring of opportunities for the inhabitants and surrounding community.
The goal of sustainability will shape the way we develop and use the land. What is needed are people to provide the supportive community and shape a vision into reality. This builds relationships, lessens daily travel, protects the environment and offers prospects for right livelihood.
Please take some time to read through this site. We want you to consider our location a possible home, and help make this a vibrant, rural community.
Founding Meeting of the Knowlesville Community Land Trust - In March 2010, current & future residents, supporters and neighbours came together to consider what is our vision and to articulate core values that we share. Some of the non-negotiables that emerged include affordable access to land, organic land management and an open and diverse membership process. If you are interested in finding out more ir to arrange a visit, please contact us by email.
As of September 2014 there are 15 active members meeting monthly to define opportunities to work together, define our organizational foundations and develop a collaborative culture of open respectful dialogue. We also have workbees that rotate between the different households to help with building projects, gardens, or general home projects where many hands can make a difference. This is a great way to get to know the current members and lend a hand. If you are planning to visit, ask about the next workbee and it might be a nice way to meet others in the developing community.